Climate, Oxygen, and the Future of Marine Biodiversity: A review
Half of the oxygen we breathe results from the hard work of marine organisms. As their ecosystem becomes increasingly threatened by climate change, so do our lives.
Ending the tobacco epidemic and creating smoke-free generations
From field to store, tobacco generates detrimental effects on our health and the health of our planet. It’s time to break the cycle of tobacco dependence and protect our young generations.
Orang muda dan potensi bangkitnya kedaulatan pangan Indonesia
“Terdengarkah itu olehmu wahai Angkatan Baru?
Rebut gelanggang lapang di sinar terang!
Engkau raja zamanmu!” - St. Takdir Alisjahbana
Good for heart, great for earth: Managing hypertension while safeguarding the planet
What if our food choices have the potential to reduce blood pressure and protect the environment?
Plant-based is better for our health and the environment... or are they?
Plant-based foods offer all the necessary macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals for optimal health, and are often higher in fiber and phytonutrients than their animal-derived counterparts. However, eliminating meat does not automatically indicate more responsible consumption.
Unveiling the power of food in tuberculosis elimination
It’s ancient, yet remains deadly and threatening for the modern world–it's tuberculosis.
Indigenous Peoples, Forest, and Water Stewardship
The dominant world is familiar with the wealthiest of our planet; yet, there is another group of wealth holders that remain rarely discussed within our society today despite their enormous possessions. They are the Indigenous Peoples.
Saltwater for agriculture: promising or unrealistic?
The water we eat daily through the food we consume is at least 1,500 times more than our daily drinking requirement. If this trend continues, we risk being water-stressed, impoverished, and hungry by 2030.
What should ‘strategic’ in the national strategic commodities constitute?
Indonesia presents some of the most alarming nutrition statistics globally as it struggles with the triple burden of malnutrition, where a high prevalence of undernutrition, overnutrition, and micronutrient deficiencies coexist. Yet, nutrient-dense foods are yet to take center stage in the national food policy.
UPFs and Its Aftermath
UPFs have replaced traditional, whole foods in our daily diets. But how bad are they actually?
Food: An essential ingredient to addressing climate and health issues
Recognizing structural interdependencies between different sectors, food provides an opportunity to catalyze systemic change and solve multiple 21st-century grand challenges.