Adopting a plant-forward diet: Reflecting on Indonesia’s neighbors
Deviana Siregar, Callista Maritza, and Carin Noerhadi Deviana Siregar, Callista Maritza, and Carin Noerhadi

Adopting a plant-forward diet: Reflecting on Indonesia’s neighbors

Malaysia and India took bold steps toward promoting healthier, more sustainable consumption patterns by incorporating plant-based foods into their national food-based dietary guidelines. With plant-forward diets gaining global momentum, should Indonesia follow suit?

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Pesticide risk on Shine Muscat grapes: A safety concern
Callista Maritza and Sepri Limbong Callista Maritza and Sepri Limbong

Pesticide risk on Shine Muscat grapes: A safety concern

Shine Muscat grapes, a luxury fruit from Japan, are popular for their sweet, juicy, crisp taste and seedless convenience. However, Thailand recently found high pesticide residue levels on its imported Shine Muscat grapes. Could they pose a risk to our health?

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Unpacking Food Sustainability Index
Vania Theresia and Callista Maritza Vania Theresia and Callista Maritza

Unpacking Food Sustainability Index

“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates.” 

⎯ Thomas Monson

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Makan bergizi gratis untuk Indonesia Emas 2045
Callista Maritza, Sepri Limbong, and Carin Noerhadi Callista Maritza, Sepri Limbong, and Carin Noerhadi

Makan bergizi gratis untuk Indonesia Emas 2045

Sejak kemunculannya di masa pemilihan umum 2024, program makan siang gratis atau yang kini menjadi makan bergizi gratis terus menuai banyak pro dan kontra. Sebenarnya apa itu program pemberian makanan di sekolah? Dan bagaimana sebaiknya program tersebut dijalankan?

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Mangrove ecosystems: Vital coastal guardians for a sustainable future
Callista Maritza and Vania Theresia Callista Maritza and Vania Theresia

Mangrove ecosystems: Vital coastal guardians for a sustainable future

Indonesia is home to 21% of global mangrove ecosystems that provide livelihoods and food sources for 120 million people. Under the threats of land use and land cover change, these ecosystems have become increasingly scarce, causing detrimental impacts to climate resilience and local communities.

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The bitter truths of sugar
Callista Maritza and Carin Noerhadi Callista Maritza and Carin Noerhadi

The bitter truths of sugar

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing, especially when it comes to sugar.

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What’s in a box?
Callista Maritza and Carin Noerhadi Callista Maritza and Carin Noerhadi

What’s in a box?

Walk into a supermarket, hypermarket, convenience store, or minimart aisle and take mental notes of what you see. The increasing share of Indonesian modern grocery retail selling processed and packaged foodstuff in boxes rose to 73% and reached $16.6b in 2022, stimulating the need to advocate for clear legible information on food labels.

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Bicara pemerataan kesejahteraan, sejahtera untuk siapa?
Carin Noerhadi and Vania Theresia Carin Noerhadi and Vania Theresia

Bicara pemerataan kesejahteraan, sejahtera untuk siapa?

“The Sumbanese have their own values and their own form of economy by which they uphold their values. When viewed in terms of their values, their conduct makes sense.” Onvlee (1980)

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